Minggu, Mei 18, 2008

Beasiswa buat lulusan SMU 2007-2008

Assalamualalaikum. guys aku dapet nih info dari mas2 di pustakaku.net . sebarin nggih buat adik2 smu kita biarmereka bisa nerusin kul dengan gratis.
Beasiswa Korporat UAI ditujukan kepada lulusan SMA/ sederajat tahun 2007 dan 2008. Beasiswa korporat terbuka untuk fakultas (jurusan) :mipa (bioteknologi), teknik (industri, elektro),Sastra (arab), dan FAI (PAUD)UAI menyediakan fullbright schoolarship. Untuk link nya silakan lihat di bawah ini.. http://www.uai.ac.id/beasiswa/Untuk persyaratan klik di :http://www.uai.ac.id/download/syarat_BSKorporat.pdfuntuk formulir silakan klik di:http://www.uai.ac.id/download/form_BSKorporat.pdf .
Jadwal Pendaftaran, Penyeleksian, Pengumuman dan Daftar Ulang
1. Tahap I
- Pengiriman Lamaran 5 Mei s.d 11 Juli 2008
- Seleksi & Administrasi 14 Juli s.d 15 Juli 2008
- TPA & Interview* 19 Juli 2008
- Pengumuman 24 Juli 2008
- Daftar Ulang 25 Juli s.d 8 Agustus 2008
2. Tahap II
- Pengiriman Lamaran 14 Juli 2008 s.d. 8 Agustus 2008
- Seleksi & Administrasi 11 s.d 12 Juli 2008
- TPA & Interview* 16 Agustus 2008
- Pengumuman 21 Agustus 2008
- Daftar Ulang 22 s.d 29 Agustus 2008
* Khusus calon mahasiswa wilayah Jabodetabek
# Kontak Person & AlamatKontak Person :
Muhammad Nussyirwan, ST (0812 845 488 4)
Sofian Hamid, ST, M.Sc. (0813 819 377 22)
M. Ghozali Moenawar, Lc (0815 141 767 53)
Ahmad Chirzun, ST, MT. (0815 195 651 65)
Alamat Surat :
Tim Beasiswa Korporat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru
No. Telepon : (021) 726 7272 , (021) 726 3344
No. Fax : (021) 724 476
semoga info ni bermanfaat, amin

Sabtu, Mei 17, 2008

Can Money Buy You Happiness

Money cannot buy you happiness, whether you are an asian or westerner. If you really desire to attain personal fulfillment in life, then you should not pursue materialistic goals. Instead, you should go after those creative and meaningful goals which genuine human needs, like wanting to feel connected with others, becoming self-aware, contributing to the community and helping the poor and needy. Otherwise, you may end up like the businessman in the following poem :1

I asked no quarter and I gave none,
I fought it out until eighty-one.
Intelligence guided my efforts,
Cynicism dictated my business reports.

I played one off against another,
Keeping my head well above water.
I transmuted my blood to steel,
Early conquering the relm of feeling.

I thaught ruthlessness by example,
And hard work and steadfastness.
Now that the hated grave approaches,
I wish for the love I could not give.

1 O’Malley & Thompson, 1977

ni puisi dalem banget ampe harus bolak balik kamus buat ngartiin, klo u gak tahu juga mending sono ambil kamus juga buat ngartiin
